Initiative on Pedagogical Uses of Artificial Intelligence

Welcome to the Georgetown Initiative on Pedagogical Uses of Artificial Intelligence (IPAI).

Artificial Intelligence (AI) advancements, particularly in generative AI tools like ChatGPT and others, present both challenges and opportunities for teaching and learning. As highlighted in this blog post from the Provost, Georgetown recognizes the need to equip students with critical capacities to navigate AI’s impact on their work and lives. Georgetown is actively supporting faculty in adapting to and integrating AI tools, as highlighted in a recent email from the Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship and their expanding pool of resources. At the same time, we recognize that many of our faculty and students are exploring creative ways to use AI tools to advance the quality of education we aim to uphold.

To accelerate and support explorations, the Provost has introduced the Initiative on Pedagogical Uses of Artificial Intelligence, which invites full- and part-time faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, and staff to submit expressions of interest and/or apply for current funding opportunities. The Initiative strongly encourages collaboration among faculty, staff, and students in developing applications for innovation grants. 

The goals of the initiative are as follows:

  • Improve student learning and engagement through creative and responsible integration of AI-supported tools for research, writing, problem-solving, analysis, and customized feedback. 
  • Enhance the academic experience for students, faculty, and academic staff through the integration of AI tools to navigate paths to a degree, seek out mentoring, and foster community and belonging.
  • Foster interdisciplinary and inter-campus collaborations to develop ethical and human-centered AI applications for education and to reimagine curricula and pedagogical approaches in response to the shifting AI environment.
  • Help shape the broader dialogue about the impact of AI in education and create an institutional knowledge base of practices and findings that can enhance Georgetown and its many partners.

We are currently accepting submissions for Summer 2024 curriculum redesign or documentation grants. The initial call for various funding opportunities opened in the fall of 2023. Explore the current list of accepted projects.

For inquiries or more information regarding ideas, please reach out to Eddie Maloney (Executive Director of the Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship) and Randy Bass (Director of The Red House), co-chairs of the IPAI Task Force. 

The Initiative on Pedagogy and AI is funded by the Baker Trust for Transformative Learning and the Sonneborn Innovation Fund. 

IPAI in action

Meet IPAI grantees and explore the projects being created through the grant!
